Human Euphoria
Pheromone Cologne
Human Euphoria
Pheromone Cologne is a brand new formula that contains Human Sex
Pheromones scientifically designed and proven to attract women. Just as
animals use scents to attract the opposite sex, humans respond to
pheromones that can greatly increase your chances of being approached
and meeting women.
In Case You Didn't Know
Pheromones are a naturally
occurring chemical compound found in all insects, animals, and humans.
When pheromones are secreted, they dictate sexual behavior and attract
the opposite sex.
Pheromone is derived from the
Greek words Pheran - to transfer and Horman - to excite.
Pheromones are found throughout the animal world and are the most primal
form of communication.
In animals, pheromones are
consciously detected over considerable distances and at times serve in
place of spoken communication. They help animals mark territory,
recognize mates, and signal sexual interest. For example, female dogs in
heat secrete pheromones and can attract male dogs from over a mile away.
Researchers have recently
discovered that pheromones play a major role in the lives of humans. The
primary pheromone that men secrete which attracts women is Androstenone.
It appears that modern man only secretes this pheromone when they sweat.
This of course is not the most desirable way to meet a woman. What is so
ironic, is that when men shower, they clean off their own natural
pheromones. When we put on deodorant we actually clog and mask the pores
androstenone secretes from ... our sweat glands. Pheromone cologne from
Euphoria has one of the highest Androstenone content profiles of any
cologne of this type.
Order Euphoria Now!